PLEASE complete this form regardless of which Auto Responder you will be using. Only complete this form once.
The information you provide here will be used to:
- customize your opt-in offering
- set up your MailChimp (or add opt-in to your existing Auto Responder) account
- create your opt-in form
- create the response email with the double opt-in
Be sure that you check and double check your responses as these will be used to customize and any changes will result in additional charges to you.
Although we are shooting for completing the work much quicker, please allow 7-14 working days for completion.
You will receive a copy of the customized pdf at the same time it is forwarded to be inserted into your auto-responder account, so that will indicate that we are working on it and where we are in the process.
IMPORTANT: We will not be contacting you. Everything we need from you is in this form.
Mailchimp/ Irrisistable Opt In
Set up and Customization