Starter Site Semi-Custom Logo Form First Name*Last Name*Contact Email*Site URL*Step 1: Choose a font combination* A B C D E F G H I J K L Custom (see below) Custom FontAlready have fonts in mind? Please be sure that the font is free to use commercially or that you have the correct license and enter the font names below.Custom Font UploadDo you already have the font files? Upload them below. Please be sure that the font is free to use commercially or that you have the correct license for the desired font.Max. file size: 512 MB.Step 2: Choose a logomark* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 None (wordmark only) Step 3: Choose your colors*Enter the color palette name. Or if you have your own palette already, enter the hexadecimal codes or describe your desired palette (i.e. warm colors, cool colors, lime green and teal, black and white, etc). You can also use sites such as Colormind, Colour Lovers, Design-Seeds, or Adobe to select colors with their hex code. Not sure? Enter 'N/A' and we'll use the colors from your site's template.Step 4: Desired text*Please be sure to note your company's name and/or if you'd like a tagline.Anything else you'd like to note or request?Prefer left-aligned, vertical or horizontal, or centered? Note it here. Δ Use this image to choose your options (click to view larger)